POWER CURBER 5700-C: Maximum Productivity



Maximum Productivity & Jobsite Versatility

Power Curbers is the industry leader in slipform concrete curb and gutter machines for more than 65 years. Our compact, nimble machines get your curbing jobs done faster and more efficiently – even in tight spots. The 5700-C is the number one-selling Curb & Gutter Machine in the World, for many reasons:

– Compact build that can fit in tight spots such as parking lot corners and cul-de-sacs
– Front-track steering that simplifies turns
– Low-center-of-gravity design that’s stable even on rough terrain
– Auger Conveyor system that moves concrete faster and can hold up to a cubic yard of concrete at a time for radius & cul-de-sac work
– Dual-side pouring option, which can be beneficial on projects such as road paving

What makes the 5700-C the most productive slipform machine in the world?

Auger Conveyor

After years of building machines with conveyor belts and dealing with their inherent problems like ripping in the middle of a pour and the concrete splatter they cause, Power Curbers introduced the auger conveyor in 1994. It is the best change we’ve made to a machine.

Hydraulic Adjustable Offset

The mold mount on the 5700-C moves hydraulically giving you the ability to raise, lower, and side shift your mold quickly and easily. With 24” (610mm) of horizontal movement and 16” (406mm) vertical, the mold can be lowered into a trench for rehab curb or for pouring adjacent to existing pavement.


The stout 42” (1.07m) wide carbide-tooth trimmer handles the toughest of sub-grade minimizing your dependence on the grading contractor. Ideally the trimmer cuts 1”-2” (25-50mm) of sub-grade, but is capable of trimming up to 6” (150mm) in extreme situations.


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